Sources       Index

Source    S473

 Author:   W Bevan Jones deputy registrar
 Title:   Edna Ladbury Birth Certificate
 Abbrev.:   Birth Certificate Edna Ladbury
 Publication:   no 416, 1923, Handsworth, West Bromwich, Birmingham
 Text:   1. 29 Oct 1923, 23 Salisbury Road, Handsworth, Birmingham
  2. Edna
  4.Father Edgar Foster Ladbury
  5.Mother Elsie Isabella Ladbury formerly Goode.
  6. Foreman Electrician.
  7. E.F.Ladbury, father, 23 Salisbury Road, Handsworth
  8. 17 November 1923
  9. W. H. Price Registrar
 Reference:   CA 128925
 Date:   27 MAY 2013
 Time:   14:35:20

Sources       Index

Source    S474

 Author:   Tracey Laird Deputy Registrar
 Title:   Edna Ladbury Death Certificate
 Abbrev.:   Death Certificate Edna Ladbury
 Publication:   2000, Birmingham, Birmigham
 Text:   1. 30 Nov 2000, John Taylor Hospice 76 Grange Road Erdington
    2. Edna Wood
    3. Female
    4. Ladbury
    5. 29 October 1923 Birmingham
    6. School Teacher (retired),
     Wife of John Philip Wood Quantity Surveyor (retired)
     22 Shepherd's Green Road, Birmingham 24
    7(a). John Philip Wood (b) Widower of Deceased (c) 22 Shepherd's Green Road, Birmingham 24
    8. Mesothelioma certified by D. Bhomra M.B.
    9. J.P.Wood
    10. 5 December 2000
    11. Tracey Laird Deputy Registrar
 Reference:   BB185470
 Date:   27 MAY 2013
 Time:   15:12:57

Sources       Index

Source    S475

 Author:   Probate Officer
 Title:   Edna Wood Probate Grant
 Abbrev.:   Probate Grant Edna Wood
 Publication:   Birmingham District Probate Registry
  The District Probate Registry at Birmingham
  of 22 Shepherd's Green Road Birmingham B24 8EX
  died on 30th Day of November 2000
  domiciled in England and Wales
  AND LET IT FURTHER BE KNOWN that the last will and Testament of the said deceased (a copy of which is annexed) was proved and registered in the high court of justice and that th eadministration of all the estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased was granted by the said court to the Executors
  JOHN PHILIP WOOD of 22 Shepherd's Green Road Birmingham B24 8EX
  and GRAHAM JOHN WOOD of 7 Kestrel Walk Letchworth Hertfordshire SG6 2TB
  It is herby confirmed that it appears from the informaiton supplied on th eapplicaiton for this grant that the gross value of the said estate in the United Kingdom does not exceed £210,000 and the net value of such estate does not exceed £210,000
  Deated 23rd day of January 2001
 Date:   27 MAY 2013
 Time:   16:56:41

Sources       Index

Source    S476

 Author:   Edna Wood
 Title:   Edna Wood Will
 Abbrev.:   Will Edna Wood
 Publication:   19 Nov 1998
 Date:   27 MAY 2013
 Time:   15:16:40

Sources       Index

Source    S477

 Author:   W.H Price Registrar
 Title:   John Philip Wood Birth Certificate
 Abbrev.:   Birth Certificate John Philip Wood
 Publication:   no 5. 1926 Handsworth, West Bromwich, Birmingham
 Text:   1. 30 Mar 1926 69 Finch Road, WB
  2. John Philip
  3. Boy
  4. Cyril Frederick Wood
  5. Hilda May Wood formerly Ross
  6. Quantity Surveyor 196 Crompton Road Handsworth
  7. C.F.Wood Father 196 Crompron Road, Handsworth
  8. 4 May 1926
  9. W.H.Price Registrar
 Reference:   D 000752 -100
 Date:   27 MAY 2013
 Time:   16:28:13