
Source for:   William Ladbury,   29 AUG 1886 - 18 NOV 1907         Index

Birth source:    S153

Birth source:    S155

Death source:    S155


Source for:   Pearl Ladbury,   1890 - 23 NOV 1919         Index

Birth source:    S153

Birth source:    S155

Death source:    S155


Source for:   Nellie Rhodes,   BET 1859 AND 1883 -          Index

Birth source:    G0


Source for:   Fred Llewellon Ladbury,   14 MAR 1897 - 23 MAR 1989         Index

Birth source:    S153

Birth source:    S154

Death source:    S154


Source for:   Nellie Ladbury,   ABT 1900 -          Index

Birth source:    S153


Source for:   Elroy Ladbury,   16 JUL 1907 - 24 OCT 1989         Index

Birth source:    S153

Birth source:    S154

Death source:    S154


Source for:   Clifford Ladbury,   10 AUG 1909 - MAR 1983         Index

Birth source:    S153

Birth source:    S154

Death source:    S154


Source for:   Phila Mosher,   BET 1847 AND 1865 -          Index

Birth source:    G0

Birth source:    S153


Source for:   Maxwell Ladbury,   25 FEB 1881 -          Index

Birth source:    S153

Birth source:    S157

Text:   Born in England in 1855 to Lewellyn and Charlotte Ladbury, Edwin Ladbury came to Canada with his parents. He came to Barnes County with his wife, Phila, in 1880 from Michigan and settled in Sibley Trail Township. Their first son, Maxwell, was born February 25, 1881. Harry was born June 28, 1890 and a third son was born October 11 , 1897. Maxwell married Gertrude Giles of Caledonia, North Dakota. Harry married Belle Thomas from Luverne, North Dakota. Ernest, the third son, married Hannah Kinn of Hawley, Minnesota, on November 19, 1919. Two sons were born to this union: Lester (October 9, 1920) and Duane (December 31 , 1926). Lester married Violet Dahlgren of Fargo. They have one daughter, Leslie, married to Sandy Case.

Edwin Ladbury passed away August 27, 1924. The son of Ernest, Duane Ladbury, still farms the Edwin Ladbury farm.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 134