Source for: Elisabeth Jones, ABT 1798 - 1872
Birth source: S31Birth source: S547Page: HO107_2047_743_18
Date: 30 MAR 1851
Birth source: S548Page: RG9_2117_82_18
Date: 7 APR 1861
Text: Wawick Ipsley
Birth source: S551Page: RG10_3075_29_8
Date: 2 APR 1871
Baptism source: S229Page: Ipsley Parish Church, film of the parish book - 1042167, Vol. 4, item 11 - Baptisms 1765 to 1804
Text: Elizabeth Daughter of James and Frances Jones was baptized 30 September 1798.
Baptism source: S149Page: C035302
Census source: S465Page: HO107_1198_16_ED3_Fo6_p5
Date: 6 JUN 1841
Census source: S547Page: HO107_2047_743_18
Date: 30 MAR 1851
Census source: S548Page: RG9_2117_82_18
Date: 7 APR 1861
Census source: S551Page: RG10_3075_29_8
Date: 2 APR 1871
Death source: S177Page: Bromsgrove Vol 6c page 290
Date: BET APR 1872 AND JUN 1872
Text: age 73
Burial source: S229Page: Parish Registers Burials Redditch St. Stephen - Vol. 11; Burials 1845 to 1889, Item 4
Date: 4 MAY 1872
Text: Elizabeth Ladbury of Redditch was buried 4 May 1872, 73 years
Burial source: S1053Page: B02446-4
Date: 4 MAY 1872
Text: Name: Elizabeth Ladbury
Gender: Female
Burial Date: 04 May 1872
Burial Place: Redditch, Worcester
Age: 73
Birth Date: 1799
Indexing Project (Batch) Number:B02446-4
System Origin: England-EASy
GS Film number:367807
Reference ID: rn 2374
Source for: Mary Ladbury, 1819 - 1872
Birth source: S465Page: HO107_1198_16_ED3_Fo6_p5
Date: 6 JUN 1841
Birth source: S547Page: HO107_2047_743_18
Date: 30 MAR 1851
Birth source: S553Page: RG9_2117_104_21
Date: 7 APR 1861
Birth source: S229Page: Parish Registers Burials Redditch St. Stephen - Vol. 11; Burials 1845 to 1889, Item 4
Date: 4 JUN 1872
Text: Mary Craner of Redditch was buired 4 June 1872, 52 years
Baptism source: S471Page: K14525-1
Date: 3 OCT 1819
Text: Name: Mary Ladbury
Gender: Female
Christening Date: 03 Oct 1819
Father's Name:John Ladbury
Mother's Name:Elizabeth
Indexing Project (Batch) Number:K14525-1
System Origin: England-ODM
GS Film number:1042155
Reference ID:
Census source: S465Page: HO107_1198_16_ED3_Fo6_p5
Date: 6 JUN 1841
Census source: S547Page: HO107_2047_743_18
Date: 30 MAR 1851
Occupation source: S547Page: HO107_2047_743_18
Date: 30 MAR 1851
Census source: S553Page: RG9_2117_104_21
Date: 7 APR 1861
Occupation source: S553Page: RG9_2117_104_21
Date: 7 APR 1861
Death source: S229Page: Parish Registers Burials Redditch St. Stephen - Vol. 11; Burials 1845 to 1889, Item 4
Date: 4 JUN 1872
Text: Mary Craner of Redditch was buired 4 June 1872, 52 years
Death source: S177Page: Bromsgrove vol 6c page 293
Date: BET APR 1872 AND JUN 1872
Text: age 52
Burial source: S229Page: Parish Registers Burials Redditch St. Stephen - Vol. 11; Burials 1845 to 1889, Item 4
Date: 4 JUN 1872
Text: Mary Craner of Redditch was buired 4 June 1872, 52 years